
Tony completed his 21 day gut health Purify programme with me:

I really felt a great benefit from the program.

The biggest surprise was the significant increase in clarity and feeling of positivity as a result of the healthy eating regime.

Heather’s knowledge and support with daily updates on the group chat really helped keep me on track.
I would highly recommend this program to anyone who wants to feel better and have more energy.

Jo took part in the 21 day gut health Purify program:

I feel so much better, much more energy, sleeping better and digestion better.

The difference in my diabetes has been incredible. I have reduced my insulin by half and rarely have any spikes in my bloods during the day.

Here’s what Janey had to say after completing the 21 day gut health program:

“My skin has cleared. It’s no longer sore to touch my jaw line (wish I’d taken a picture 3 weeks ago).

I have lost 14 lbs and my head space has changed. In regard to my fibromyalgia, I am definitely not as sore, it’s always been related to food and stress so these last 4 weeks have been fantastic to keep it level.”

Debbie completed the 21 gut health Purify program and these were her comments at the end:

“Thanks Heather. I have really enjoyed these three weeks. I’ve felt in control and I haven’t given in to food that was part of my diet before. I’m really proud that I didn’t have my diet Irn Bru! I don’t drink coffee or caffeinated tea so always justified to myself that one fizzy juice every day! Haven’t missed it.

I’ve definitely noticed a change in my energy levels and I’ve lost more weight than I thought I would… bonus!

I’m going to keep this going! Thanks for all your support.”

Here’s what Natalie said after completing the 21 day gut health program:

“I’ve so enjoyed this program. I’ve stuck to the plan and I’m keen to carry on. My downfall was snacking at my desk and a huge sweet tooth. I’ve not craved sugar in 3 weeks and not even felt the urge to snack in between meals.  I was a person who could not have a meal without something sweet straight after, even if I was full. Now I don’t think about it, so I’ve definitely turned a corner. Clean eating is definitely the way forward.

Have loved the program from start to finish. My skin feels amazing, my nails and hair look good and my energy levels are up there and I’m raring to go every day.

My moods during this program have been great. Focusing on meals and the supplements has made me feel incredible, lifted my confidence and made me have positive vibes throughout.

Thanks Heather and the group for all your support, it’s been great. Definitely will be recommending this to friends and will be doing this again next year. I’m 9lbs down, my clothes feel better and my friends have noticed too. Thank you all!”

Lily’s thoughts after completing the 21 day gut health program: “I am definitely going to continue, thank you Heather! I feel so much better than when I started. It has given me just the motivation I needed.”

These were Carol’s comments after completing her 21 day Purify program:

“It’s been great having everyone’s support on our group chat. I wanted to break the caffeine addiction which I’ve now done. I’ll be drinking water and my coffee will be decaf from now on to feel sociable.

I haven’t had any cramp! Boy do I suffer from night leg cramp and in my stomach muscles if I make a sudden movement after exercise. Having not experienced cramp for two weeks is big for me. I’ve done all the magnesium, potassium courses before but nothing has helped so this programme has been a big plus for me.”

Here’s what Jackie had to say at the end of her 21 day gut health Purify program:

Thanks folks and Heather for your daily updates and support, the program was easy to follow and for me preparation of daily foods was key.

I’m definitely sleeping better and feel good in myself, all helped by losing 9lbs on the program. I’m amazed that I had no cravings and haven’t really missed items that were banned.

I’m keen to continue, really like the Biome shakes, Proargi9+, Biome Actives and Body Prime tablets.

PS As a last day treat, with only one portion of shake left I made myself some Biome pancakes with raspberry and banana for brekkie, they were so yummy!

Steve completed the 21 day Purify program to reset his gut health. Here are his comments throughout the program:

“I am feeling really good. I am experimenting with food combinations and have discovered some interesting and tasty dishes already. I feel cleaner.”

“I have been enjoying the ‘alternative’ eating arrangements and have not felt deprived. Energy levels have even improved!”

“I enjoy the protein shakes and have found the meal replacement aspect a handy tool whilst busy. I have committed to myself to carry on with the same eating regime. I have gone through a wedding and my birthday without a wobble so I reckon I can live clean from now on.”



“I’ve been taking ProArgi9+ for about a month to see if it helps my energy levels. I’ve definitely felt a difference; no matter how bad my sleep is, I don’t feel tired.”

After taking part in the 21 day gut health program, Linda said: “My energy levels are good, considering I’m old! My body was aching before / after Christmas due to eating but that has gone. I definitely have a deeper sleep and have more energy. I feel so much better, very little pain now. Getting stronger, less bloating and lost 9lbs.”

John (66) took part in the 21 day gut health program in January 2022. He had been taking Gaviscon 2 – 3 times a day previously, and within the first week of the program he was able to stop taking it. His comments from the program were: “I have far more energy, whereas every time I sat down at Christmas I fell asleep. I have only used Gaviscon four times in the last three weeks, but it was due to two specific foods so I now know not to eat them. I have far less gut pain and have taken less paracetamol. PS I lost 15 lbs.”

Shiona took part in the 21 day gut health program and this is how she described her results: “My arthritis joint pain stopped, I had good sleep, I felt energetic. Every part of me felt better and I just felt younger!”