Brace yourselves, this is a RANT!!
(more…)Brace yourselves, this is a RANT!!
(more…)I’ve learned the lesson that some days when I’m doubting myself, I need to Just Show Up. So on a day where I felt like saying no and hiding in the house, I decided to say “yes”.
I took part in the Become Aligned 30-day challenge. The support was professional and structured but also very accessible and friendly. I really enjoyed the experience and have taken away so many tools that I’ll be able to use going forward. I highly recommend the challenge to anyone who wants to move a little closer to their personal goals, whether large or small.
Today I didn’t really feel like it. It’s December and the air’s damp and cold, the ground is muddy, and I’ve had a bit of a headache for a couple of days. So maybe any other year I would have not bothered and thought, ah I’ll run another day. But not today; not this year. This is story of how a positive daily habit changed my life.