What Does Wellbeing Mean to You?

What does wellbeing mean to you? Do you take care of the things that really matter to you?

  • your energy?
  • your health?
  • your values?
  • your goals?

To be at our best, we have to be true to ourselves and focus on what really matters most to us.

When we start to do that, we feel driven, energetic, balanced and satisfied… we feel happy.  And ultimately, the happier we are on the inside, the more we give on the outside to those around us.  It’s a win-win!

What is Wellbeing?

Wellbeing is a general term that relates to not only our health, but also our outlook on life, our personal growth and how much we feel aligned with the way we live our life.

A Holistic Approach to Wellbeing

There are many different pieces of the puzzle when it comes to our wellbeing. Sometimes we need to work on all of these pieces; sometimes it’s just one or two of them.

Where would you like to start?

Aligning your Energy with Reiki

If you’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or just not feeling like yourself, an energy reset might be exactly what you need. Have you tried reiki? It’s a beautifully relaxing treatment that helps you to release blocked energy in your body and mind, opening you up to a more balanced version of you. I’m a Level 2 qualified reiki practitioner, a member of The Reiki Association and CHNC registered. Find out what reiki is all about, and more about my services here. Reiki can be a standalone service, and it can also be a wonderful way to support you on your journey of changing your life.

Aligning your Health with Natural Supplements

And what about your health? Are you eating well, feeling well, looking well? Or is there something missing? Find out more here about how you could start improving your health.

Aligning your Actions by taking part in Wellbeing Activities

Sometimes you just need to take a few hours, or a couple of days out of your schedule and allow yourself time to relax.

I host wellbeing days and retreats where you can enjoy guided meditation, yoga and sometimes even a cold dip!

Follow my social media to hear about upcoming events, or subscribe to my mailing list for events – it’s the best way to be in the know!

The theme is alignment. We need to know ourselves, at our core, before we can really say what it is we want in life. When we honour our true selves, we can start taking aligned action towards our goals.

Heather Mckay

Have a browse through my website and get in touch for a free no-obligation chat if there’s anything you’d like to discuss.